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Please check our >>> Programme <<< often for changes.

Early last November we didn't exist! Now we have around 40 friendly members, many of whom are posting messages, ideas, photos and chat in our 5 WhatsApp Community groups.
Please email all Enquiries to admin@mototwo.club

How do I make new friends? What ideas can I contribute, influence and participate in?

We have prepared an example of our ever-evolving >>> Events Programme (.docx) <<< One-click download to view, save or print.

Can't open programme? Use this version: Events Programme (.pdf)


Our next Main Meeting is on Monday 23rd September @2.00 till 4.00. Ideal for new members to chat and get to know us! Just £1 reduced charge,

on the raised area at the back of the Punch & Judy pub, 11 St Stephen's Street, Tonbridge TN9 2AB


1 minute walk south of the railway station High Street to the main roundabout. Take the A228 Pembury Road, and it's the first road past the Police Station on your left.


>>> We look forward to making friends with all you Members On Their Own. See you there! <<<


How to join Tonbridge u3a


This page will (eventually) redirect to Tonbridge u3a after 10 minutes.
N.B. That site now links back to our website and Programme.


Background Image adapted from Drazen Zigic on Freepik